Veterinary Medicine Regional Anesthesia
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Regional anesthesia in small animals
Regional anesthesia has a diverse range of indications and combines many advantages.
A few of them are:
- Safe and easy to learn procedure to prevent or alleviate pain
- Enhanced recovery after surgery
- Opioid sparing effect
- Light plane of anesthesia sufficient even for potentially painful procedures. The nerve block provides analgesia and muscle relaxation.
- Early mobility of the patient after surgery, since 3 limbs can be used (in case of peripheral nerve blocks)
On the following pages we will introduce you to the most important nerve blocks for the forelimb and hindlimb as well as for the head. The anatomical images and videos of the correct and incorrect muscle responses are all designed to help you manage the nerve blocks safely and successfully in your patients.
Surgical Indications
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As with any intervention in the body, peripheral nerve blocks also carry the risk of complications. The presented procedures and dosages are thoroughly reviewed and based on currently available scientific data and clinical experience but should only be considered as guidelines along the contents of the course. The responsibility for performing the nerve blocks shown on this site as part of any anesthesia regimen or pain management lies with the executing clinician. B. Braun Vet Care GmbH and Dr. Papadopoulos cannot be held responsible for any complications or adverse effects, that may arise from the described techniques or for any mistakes in the information provided.